Conservative Jewish Educator (CJE)
Conservative Jewish Educator (CJE)
The title of CJE is intended to recognize attaining a standard of achievement in the field of Conservative Jewish education and stand as a mark of honor and distinction. Earning the CJE is based on educational experience, academic study, and a demonstration of commitment to the goals of the JEA.
The goal of this certification is to recognize educators who have achieved the highest professional standards of our organization and to encourage ongoing learning, growth, and development.
Those who have met the requirements for the title of CJE will be honored at the Annual JEA Conference.
Applications for the title of CJE may be submitted at any time. Click here to complete the application.
We encourage all of our members who qualify for this certification to complete and submit the application. Those who do not yet qualify are encouraged to set a goal of meeting these standards and earning the recognition inherent in this title. Applicants for the CJE accreditation who feel that they qualify but do not meet requirements below may seek out sponsorship of another CJE accredited JEA member in good standing and request a formal review of their candidacy.
Applications for the title of CJE may be submitted at any time. Click here to complete the application.
Requirements for the CJE
- Rabbinic ordination from The Jewish Theological Seminary, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, or other JEA approved institution or equivalent work experience recognized by the JEA.
- Candidates should have completed coursework in Education and Administration granted by colleges and/or universities, which can include credits completed as part of the rabbinic program.
- A period of at least three years as a teacher or youth group leader in a Conservative or communal Jewish educational setting and five years, of which three must be consecutive, in an administrative capacity in a Conservative congregational or day school, USCJ/USY, early childhood, family education program,youth program, camp, or other Jewish formal/informal educational program .
- If candidates do not meet the Education and/or Administration requirement, then a candidate can complete this requirement by participating in mentorship and in professional development through JEA by attending webinars, conferences, etc. or other JEA approved organizations. A minimum of 180 hours is required to be completed.
- If a candidate doesn’t have the requisite administrative and/or education experience, then they will need to complete a minimum of one year mentorship with a JEA Certified Jewish Educator (CJE) who is in good standing with JEA . Mentorship guidelines will be determined with the candidate for CJE. The mentorship requirement is an essential component of the CJE certification process and is designed to ensure that Jewish educators receive personalized guidance and support from experienced professionals within the field of Jewish education. This requirement aligns with the commitment to excellence and the high standards set by the Jewish Educators Assembly.
- A demonstrated commitment to Conservative Jewish education beyond the above requirements, as evidenced by membership in good standing (at least for the past three years and up to date), currently in good standing in the JEA, consistent participation in JEA organized conferences or programs, contributions to the field such as curriculum or program development projects, and/or continued academic learning. Special consideration will be given to those members of the RA, CA, JYDA, and NAASE who have been members of their organizations and shifted into educational positions.
- Graduates from Jewish Theological Seminary's H.L. Miller Cantorial School and College of Jewish Music or other JEA approved institution or equivalent work experience recognized by the JEA.
- Candidates should have completed coursework in Education and Administration granted by colleges and/or universities, which can include credits completed as part of the cantorial program.
- A period of at least three years as a teacher or youth group leader in a Conservative or communal Jewish educational setting and five years, of which three must be consecutive, in an administrative capacity in a Conservative congregational or day school, USCJ/USY, early childhood, family education program,youth program, camp, or other Jewish formal/informal educational program .
- If candidates do not meet the Education and/or Administrative requirement, then a candidate can complete this requirement by participating in mentorship and professional development through JEA by attending webinars, conferences, etc. or other JEA approved organizations. A minimum of 180 hours is required to be completed.
- If a candidate doesn’t have the administrative and/or Education experience, then they may complete a minimum of one year mentorship with a JEA Certified Jewish Educator (CJE) who is in good standing with JEA. Mentorship guidelines will be determined with the candidate for CJE. The mentorship requirement is an essential component of the CJE certification process and is designed to ensure that Jewish educators receive personalized guidance and support from experienced professionals within the field of Jewish education. This requirement aligns with the commitment to excellence and the high standards set by the Jewish Educators Assembly.
- A demonstrated commitment to Conservative Jewish education beyond the above requirements, as evidenced by at least three years membership in good standing in the JEA, consistent participation in JEA organized conferences or programs, contributions to the field such as curriculum or program development projects, and/or continued academic learning. Special consideration will be given to those members of the RA, CA, JYDA, and NAASE who have been members of their organizations and shifted into educational positions.
- Master’s degree in Jewish Education, Jewish studies, non-for-profit management, public administration and/or related Master’s degree from a JEA recognized institution or equivalent work experience recognized by the JEA.
- For a related Master’s degree, applicants should complete course work in education, administration and Jewish studies, including Hebrew.
- A period of at least three years as a teacher or youth group leader in a Conservative or communal Jewish educational setting and five years, of which three must be consecutive, in an administrative capacity in a Conservative congregational or day school, USCJ/USY, early childhood, family education program,youth program, camp, or other Jewish formal/informal educational program .
- If candidates do not meet the Education and/or Administration requirement, then a candidate can complete this requirement by participating in mentorship and in professional development through JEA by attending webinars, conferences, etc. or other JEA approved organizations. A minimum of 180 hours is required to be completed.
- If a candidate doesn’t have the requisite administrative and/or education experience, then they will need to complete a minimum of one year mentorship with a JEA Certified Jewish Educator (CJE) who is in good standing with JEA . Mentorship guidelines will be determined with the candidate for CJE. The mentorship requirement is an essential component of the CJE certification process and is designed to ensure that Jewish educators receive personalized guidance and support from experienced professionals within the field of Jewish education. This requirement aligns with the commitment to excellence and the high standards set by the Jewish Educators Assembly.
- A demonstrated commitment to Conservative Jewish education beyond the above requirements, as evidenced by membership in good standing (at least for the past three years and up to date), currently in good standing in the JEA, consistent participation in JEA organized conferences or programs, contributions to the field such as curriculum or program development projects, and/or continued academic learning. Special consideration will be given to those members of the RA, CA, JYDA, and NAASE who have been members of their organizations and shifted into educational positions.
- If a candidate doesn’t have the administrative and/or Education experience then they may complete a minimum of one year mentorship with a JEA Certified Jewish Educator (CJE) who is in good standing with JEA. Mentorship guidelines will be determined with the candidate for CJE. The mentorship requirement is an essential component of the CJE certification process and is designed to ensure that Jewish educators receive personalized guidance and support from experienced professionals within the field of Jewish education. This requirement aligns with the commitment to excellence and the high standards set by the Jewish Educators Assembly.
- A demonstrated commitment to Conservative Jewish education beyond the above requirements, as evidenced by at least three years membership in good standing in the JEA, consistent participation in JEA organized conferences or programs, contributions to the field such as curriculum or program development projects, and/or continued academic learning. Special consideration will be given to those members of the RA, CA, JYDA, and NAASE who have been members of their organizations and shifted into educational positions.
CJE Recipients
The following educators have fulfilled the requirements for the Conservative Jewish Educator certificate.
They may affix the CJE credential to their name and title.
Sandy Andron
Elly Bauman
Cathy Berkowitz
Sandra Borowsky
Larry I. Brandspiegel
Suzanne Brody
Jason Cathcart
Mandy Cheskis
Janice Colmar
David Cohen
Babette Cohn
Beth Cohn Copelovitch
Tirza Covel
Stacey David
Debra Deutsch
Aliza Drumm
Peter Eckstein
Eddie Edelstein
Dina Eliezer
Itzhak Emanuel
Jill Epstein
Joshua Fineblum
Robin Hoffman Foonberg
Edwin Frankel
Elisha Frumkin
Yaffa Fuchs
Alicia Gejman
Estee Gold
Leslie Goldress
Rebecca Gordon
Nancy Gorod
Barry Gruber
Maxine Segal Handelman
Judy Haven
Teri Rube Hochberg
Tobi Innerfield
Selilah Kalev
Lawrence Katz
Steve Kerbel
Sherrie Klein
Danny Kochavi
Michael Korman
Eliyahu Krigel
Patti Kroll
Marshall Kupchan
Judith Kuper Jaffe
Lauren Kurland
Ben Lewis
Wendy Light
Scott Littky
Keri Loventhal
Sherri Morris
Hedda Morton
Jeffrey Myers
Louis Nagel
Laura Naide
Fred Nathan
Jennifer Newfeld
Sol Novick
Matthew Nover
Adrianne Pasternak
Lonna Picker
Lisa Pressman
Harvey Raben
Andrea Raizen
Karen Raizen
Lisa Richman
Fran Richter
Jim Rogozen
Liz Rolle
Howard Rosenbaum
Tamara Ruben
Cindy Saper
Michael Schatz
David Schwartz
Julie Schwarzwald
Melissa Ser
Sara Shapiro-Plevan
Charles Sherman
Janette Silverman
Sara Simon
Elizabeth Singer
Samara Sofian
Robert Spitz
Paul Steinberg
Aviva Tilles
Janice Tytell
Arlyne Ungar
Saul Wachs
Sharon Wasserberg
Esther Weiss
Bob Westle
Susan Wyner